2024 Tile Design Trends

2024 Tile Design Trends

TileBar works tirelessly to find the most beautiful, innovative, and exciting tile trends that reflect the essence of 2024's design landscape. Discover captivating color stories, the revival of timeless stone, expressive floral patterns, and bold moves in tile patterns and textures. View our curated collections, inspired by the forefront of contemporary design trends. Read our 2023 tile trends guide.

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  1. Acadia 12 items
  2. Agate Art 4 items
  3. Agate Glass 4 items
  4. Ako 3 items
  5. Alaska White 4 items
  6. Alesso 7 items
  7. Arden 3 items
  8. ArtBlock by Stacy Garcia 15 items
  9. Australis By Paula Purroy 2 items
  10. Autograph 9 items
  11. Axelle 7 items
  12. Bariano 3 items
  13. Basic Travertine 7 items
  14. Behati 4 items
  15. Bella 10 items
  16. Boreal 5 items
  17. Born 5 items
  18. Brando 3 items
  19. Burgos 4 items
  20. Calypso 2 items
  21. Carolina 4 items
  22. Cascais 4 items
  23. Castle 2 items
  24. Color One 10 items
  25. Colorplay 12 items
  26. Curve 5 items
  27. Division 6 items
  28. Dunmore by Angela Harris 12 items
  29. Emery 11 items
  30. Enso 4 items
  31. HexArt 14 items
  32. HexArt Zen 3 items
  33. Isobel 4 items
  34. Jewel Onyx 4 items
  35. Kanbina 7 items
  36. Kenridge 12 items
  37. Kinro 5 items
  38. Kinzie 5 items
  39. Kobe 8 items
  40. Lancaster 6 items
  41. Lapaz 14 items
  42. Lenox 3 items
  43. Marigold 3 items
  44. Marmo Perfetto 4 items
  45. Mediterra by Angela Harris 7 items
  46. Miles 12 items
  47. Minera 2 items
  48. Mod 3D 6 items
  49. Monet 9 items
  50. Montauk 11 items
  51. Moxy XL Vinyl Flooring 9 items
  52. Nabi Glass 6 items
  53. Nabi Subway Glass 1 item
  54. Nashville 20 items
  55. Nature Flagstone 3 items
  56. Nature Organica 2 items
  57. Nobu 4 items
  58. Oaktree 5 items
  59. Paint 5 items
  60. Parma 17 items
  61. Parma Brick 6 items
  62. Parry 7 items
  63. Paula Purroy Art Gallery 10 items
  64. Pergola 8 items
  65. Plaster 1 item
  66. Ponto 6 items
  67. Portmore 8 items
  68. Quill Glass 2 items
  69. Romani 4 items
  70. Saint Remy 6 items
  71. Sample Bundle 3 items
  72. Seaport 5 items
  73. Seville 20 items
  74. Stonework 9 items
  75. Sydney 4 items
  76. Talia by Paula Purroy 17 items
  77. Tau 4 items
  78. Terra Villa 12 items
  79. TilebarXL 7 items
  80. Tropez 1 item
  81. Waves Marble 3 items
  82. Whitney 2 items
  83. Wilder by Angela Harris 9 items
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TileBar works tirelessly to find the most beautiful, innovative, and exciting tile trends that reflect the essence of 2024's design landscape. Discover captivating color stories, the revival of timeless stone, expressive floral patterns, and bold moves in tile patterns and textures. View our curated collections, inspired by the forefront of contemporary design trends. Read our 2023 tile trends guide.